Implementation dates
We can offer short deadlines and reasonable prices. As a garment manufacturer with rich experience, we have learned efficient and flexible job scheduling. Short deadlines are not a problem for us.
Our office is on the street Radzymińska. This is the main route from the city center in the direction of Bialystok, departure from Warsaw to Brand. Fatnastyczna location allows easy access to our klijentom. We also offer mail order.
Our job
We work with passion and is actively involved in processing each order, a series of short as well as of entire collections. With years of experience we are able to guide every step of the project, from the idea, through design, matching materials for finishing.
As a manufacturer of clothing exist in the market for over 30 years.
During this time we managed to build strong ties with many loyal customers (local as well as Western Europe), for which we produce for years. We specialize in the manufacture of wearing apparel, mainly jackets and coats. We often make all kinds of dresses, pants, sports clothing and advertising for companies.
At the beginning BUSINESS sewed for local boutiques and over time we began to perform orders for foreign principals from England, Germany, France, with whom we maintain collaborating to today. We work with leading manufacturers of network who value quality of our work. Our things you can see, not only in stores but also on many popular blogs.
Lorem Ipsum jest tekstem stosowanym jako przykładowy wypełniacz w przemyśle poligraficznym. Został po raz pierwszy użyty w XV w. przez nieznanego drukarza do wypełnienia tekstem próbnej książki. Pięć wieków później zaczął być używany przemyśle elektronicznym, pozostając praktycznie niezmienionym. Spopularyzował się w latach 60. XX w. wraz z publikacją arkuszy Letrasetu, zawierających fragmenty Lorem Ipsum, a ostatnio z zawierającym różne wersje Lorem Ipsum oprogramowaniem przeznaczonym do realizacji druków na komputerach osobistych, jak Aldus PageMaker
Yabko - Manufacturer of clothing
ul.Rzewinska 1, 03-675 Warsaw, Poland
Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:00
+48 000 000 000